Running (for two!)

I haven't been blogging for a while. My husband got back from his deployment at the end of 2012 and life settled down and got wonderfully boring. In the back of my mind, I still remembered my little blog. I thought to myself.. maybe when we decide to have a baby... it would be fun to blog about being pregnant and running. And just.. being pregnant.

So anyway.. I'm happy to announce that we're having a baby!

I haven't felt very sick. I don't have a baby bump yet. Am I pregnant or is this just a little virus that makes me feel a little sick all all the time and happens to also make my boobs big and sore? It was such a relief to go in for the ultra sound and see that there was actually a baby in there. With a little heartbeat. That was moving.

It feels more real now. Though still slightly unbelievable. I'm really excited to share this adventure with you.

<3 Amy

Keep on praying. Keep on running.


  1. Congratulations to both of you. Baby is coming that is so great for both of you.

    Military spouse benefits

  2. What a cute way to announce it! And I'm happy to see you popping back up in the blogging world! I loved having you as a long-distance deployment buddy last time around. I'm so excited to follow along with what you're up to. Wishing you an easy, healthy pregnancy!


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