Done with Phase 1

Yesterday I got to talk to my hubby for the first time in 3 weeks- with the exception of a couple letters. We got to talk on video chat for a while and it was great to see him and hear his voice. He just passed Phase 1 of Ranger School* and is on to Phase 2 today. Another 3 weeks til I will hear his voice. Whew. Here we go.

I also randomly got this luna bar in the mail, apparently from doing the Naperville SheROX Triahlon a month ago. Kind of a nice surprise. :) There are perks to doing cool races like that.

I decided to celebrate my hubby passing Phase 1, and made myself this 1-minute Peanut Butter Cake and a pretty drink. It was pretty good, but if I made it again, I think it would have to have more chocolate. I enjoyed this while watching an old Harrison Ford film.

This morning, I'm off to the bike store to start looking at some cycling shoes!

*If you don't know much about Ranger School, check out this awesome documentary on the Discovery Channel.


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