Just in case you were having a bad day..

Just in time for Happy Picture Wednesday.. my hubby sent me an email entitled "Just in case you were having a bad day."

"These guys, well technically one guy and four girls, are being picked up to be sent back to the states soon. A guy is paying to have it all taken care of. We got them all vaccinations so we didn't have to worry about rabies, but Army rules still say they can't be here with us. So it was either get them out of here or put them down. Rumor has it they are being sent into the military working dog program. So those are possible future bomb sniffers and bad guy catchers..."

That's right.. puppies! So cute!! Some guys in James's base found the mother when she was still pregnant and adopted them. These pictures definitely made my day.

<3 Amy


  1. So presh! I'm surprised, but happy to hear that they are coming to the states! Stephen befriended a puppy that he named Oso (short for Oh-So-Cute.) He's staying in A-stan though.*


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